What do you live for?

Have you ever experience waking up and feeling down, like you’ve lost your hope on a certain thing?

I did. A lot of times, but the last one was probably months ago (and I can’t even remember how bad I felt back then) until it happened again yesterday.

I felt scared. I felt doubt. I felt backing up. The what ifs run into my mind like a flowing water on a river – steady but continuously flowing. It doesn’t stop.

Different situations, possible scenarios that I don’t want to happen creeped in – mind you, I just woke up.

Just got out of bed, put my slippers on and stood – then these worrying thoughts suddenly creeped in as if it was a continuation of my dream.

It feels like I was dreaming about it to make me feel this way. I mean, I can’t remember what my dream was yesterday but I thought maybe my unconscious mind is being conscious of my worries so when I woke up, I felt it. It was first on the line, the one who knocked on my door to say ‘Good morning’ but it just doesn’t feel good.

Preparing to work, I just thought ‘I can do this, certainly! I’ve been here and I can convince myself the opposite’ and thankfully, I did.

At the end of the day, I still found my hope. My hope that it will come true and it will be at its best possible state. That the universe will point me on where to look, what path to take and what to think.

Well, I always wish for the positive thoughts to come.


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